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Your Local Appliance Rental Team

Who We Are At Orange Rentals

Welcome to Orange Rentals, your new destination for hassle-free consumer leasing! As a brand-new player in the industry, we bring a fresh and innovative approach to the world of consumer leases. Our mission is to redefine the leasing experience, making it simple, transparent, and convenient for our valued customers. With a team boasting over 30 years of collective experience in the field, Orange Rentals stands as a symbol of expertise and reliability. Our dedicated staff are committed to exceeding all legislative requirements for providing consumer leases, ensuring that you receive the highest standard of service and protection. When you choose us, you're not just a customer; you become a part of our extended family. Get to know your dedicated sales representative, who will guide you through the process and ensure that you have a familiar voice to turn to whenever you need assistance. Unlike other leasing companies, there's no revolving door of staff here at Orange Rentals – just a team of dedicated professionals who are here for you every step of the way. Experience the Orange Rentals difference – where simplicity, expertise, and personalized service come together to redefine your consumer leasing journey. We look forward to serving you and making your leasing experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible. Welcome to a new era of Appliance Rentals with Orange Rentals!

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Who will I be speaking with?

Meet The Orange Rentals Team

Your local appliance rental team are a dedicated team of experts, passionate about delivering excellence. With diverse skills and a shared commitment, we strive to exceed expectations, ensuring your satisfaction and success.



08 6388 3552



Client Relations Specialist
0485 973 001



Client Relations Specialist
0485 971 528

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Client Relations Specialist
0485 984 118



Sales Support Assistant
0485 989 484

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