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TCL 65 Inch C745 4K UHD Premium QLED Smart Google TV 65C745

Weekly From Original price was: $1,299.00.Current price is: $20.50.

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This product falls within the top 20% (or next closest percentage interval) of most energy efficient TVs on our website in the 32-55 inch, 56-65 inch or 66+ inch size segments based on publicly available data from the Equipment Energy Efficiency Program.

SKU: N/A Category:

Product description

Brand: TCL
Finish Colour: Black
Height (mm): 831 mm
Width (mm): 1444 mm
Depth (mm): 69.5mm
Model Number:65C655
Accessories included:Remote Control, 2x AAA Batteries, Quick Start Guide, Warranty Card, User Manual
Contract Options*

36 Months, 48 months

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