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Space Saver Appliance Bundle - Orange Rentals
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Space Saver Appliance Bundle

Weekly From Original price was: $2,611.00.Current price is: $37.00.

+ Free Shipping

All of these items are included in this package

  • CHiQ 559L Side By Side Fridge White
  • Artusi 8kg/4kg Washer Dryer Combo
SKU: N/A Categories: ,
Rent to own home appliances australia orange rentals chiq 559l side by side fridge white 1

CHiQ 559L Side By Side Fridge White

The CSS559NWD Side-By-Side Fridge from CHiQ offers 559 litres of usable capacity, providing families with plenty of storage space.

CHiQ’s multi-airflow system ensures chilled air is consistently reaching every shelf quickly and uniformly, keeping your food fresh. This unit has inverter system to ensure that power is used efficiently and the compressor runs quietly. You can quench your thirst thanks to the non-plumbed 5.5 Litre Water Dispenser conveniently located on the door. Inside, you’ll find what you need quickly and easily thanks to the LED lighting beautifully and clearly illuminating the interior. In the freezer section, the frost-free technology means no ice build-up, so you don’t need to manually defrost, saving you time and effort.

Artusi 8kg/4kg Washer Dryer Combo

The Artusi 8kg front load washer-dryer combo is an all-in-one laundry solution.

A diverse range of 15 programs will ensure every laundry task and every fabric type are catered for. Load sensing technology means this clever unit will know exactly how to take care of your load, while detergent dosage feature ensures accurate dosing every time.

Rent to own home appliances australia orange rentals artusi awd845w 8 4kg washer dryer combo 2
Contract Options*

36 Months, 48 months

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